Contracts & Risk Management for Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs - New York

Training Event Details:

Host: Manhattan SBDC

Contracts & Risk Management for Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

9/26/2023   3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
This webinar hosted by the Pace University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) will provide an introduction for the small business owner and entrepreneur to issues related to contracts and risk management, including the importance and significance of:

• Contracts and mutual assent;
• Risks and responsibilities of the contractual relationship;
• Assessing business risk for working with Letter Agreements, Memoranda of Understanding, Letters of Intent, and other less formal contract documents;
• Understanding key contractual elements and clauses to mitigate risk and spot issues on which to seek legal assistance; and
• Working effectively with counsel.

Dr. Magaldi is an Ivan Fox Professor and Scholar of Business Law at Pace University’s Lubin School of Business and a legal and business advisor to emerging technology companies.

Click Here to register
Phone:  (212) 618-6655

Full New York State training event list

Language assistance services are available for limited English proficient individuals. Special arrangements for persons with disabilities can be made by calling the SBDC at least two weeks in advance.