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SBDC Technology Services

The New York SBDC can help you transform your ideas into products and services, whether you want to work on carburetors, computer chips, or capillaries.

Do you have an invention but are not sure how to bring it to the market place? The SBDC can help. Today, small businesses are responsible for a significant amount of innovation in regards to new products. More and more big companies are reducing their in-house R & D staffs and relying on outside small company sources, which creates great opportunities. If you are in the business of creating advanced products but have come up against a tough hurdle - technical or financial - talk it over with NYS Small Business Development Center's Technology Advisors.

The New York SBDC provides the following services for small businesses working with technology:

  • Provide consulting, training, research, and referrals to experts with industry expertise.
  • Identify relevant sources of financing – including venture capital groups, angel investors and other alternative financing entities.
  • Provide advice on the optimal business structure for your enterprise.
  • Provide advice on issues relating to intellectual property, licensing, trademark and copyright.
  • Provide advice about going public (IPO) or engaging in a merger, acquisition or leveraged buy-out.
  • Review and make recommendations about business, strategic and marketing plans and term sheets.
  • Review and provide advice about contracts and research agreements.
  • Assist with applications for state and federal R&D funding, include SBIR and STTR opportunities.
  • Identify appropriate partnerships with private, local and economic development organizations and state, federal, and university resources to ensure businesses have access to a full array of services.
  • Identify target markets and assist firms in bringing new products to market.
  • Provide advice about developing processes and design strategies for commercializing technologies.
  • Locate resources to consult, advise, analyze or test ideas.

The New York SBDC seeks out individuals with technical knowledge when hiring new staff and supports continuing education for existing staff in technology-related concepts to ensure the program can provide customized advisement to meet the needs of its clients. SBDC recognizes that companies implementing technology or working in a technology-based industry face a unique set of challenges, from obtaining capital necessary to fuel growth, to attracting and retaining skilled employees, to identifying new markets. The New York SBDC has a network of service centers throughout New York State staffed with business professionals with the knowledge to address these issues.

SBIR/STTR Programs for Small Business

The New York SBDC can help small businesses learn about opportunities in the SBIR/ STTR programs and help them prepare proposals for the programs.

The objectives of the SBIR/STTR programs are to stimulate technological innovation, to strengthen the role of small businesses in meeting Federal research and development needs, and to increase private sector commercialization of innovations developed through Federal research and development. All federal agencies with an extramural research budget of $100 million or more must set aside a percentage of their research dollars for awards to small businesses and individuals.

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program is a highly competitive three-phase award system which provides qualified small businesses with opportunities to propose innovative ideas that meet specific research and research and development needs of the Federal government. Ten agencies currently participate in the SBIR program that allows for-profit small businesses to submit competitive proposals.

The Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program is a sister program to the SBIR, with virtually the same structure and application process. The most significant difference between the two programs is that, while qualified non-profit research institutions or universities may cooperate in an SBIR project, they must collaborate on STTR projects. Five agencies currently participate in the STTR program.

As you would expect, each federal agency has their own rules for doing things, with different topics for bidding, different competition deadlines, different methods of preparing and accepting proposals, etc. Just because one agency does it one way, don't assume others will do it the same way.  

To learn more about the SBIR and STTR programs, go to

SBIR Schedule

Access current news and bid resources for SBIR/STTR opportunities at

Note: Dates are subject to change by the agencies


Department of Agriculture 23 Jul. 2018
25 Oct. 2018
Department of Commerce    
16 Jan. 2019 
13 Nov. 2018
30 Apr. 2019 
29 Jan. 2018
Department of Defense: (solicitations typically posted at least 30 days prior to opening)
1. DoD 19.1
2. DoD 19.2
3. DoD 19.3
8 Jan. 2019
22 May 2019
24 Sep. 2019
6 Feb. 2019
20 Jun. 2019
24 Oct. 2019 
Department of Education:
1. contracts
2. grants

7 Dec 2018
15 Jan. 2019

21 Jan. 2019
3 Mar. 2019
Department of Energy  
17 Aug. 2018
26 Nov 2018

15 Oct. 2018
04 Feb. 2019
Dept of Health & Human Services (NIH, CDC, FDA):
1. PHS/NIH (grants)

2. PHS/NIH (contracts)
26 Jan 2018 

14 Aug. 2018 
5 Apr. 2018 
5 Sep. 2018 
5 Jan. 2019 
22 Oct. 2018 
Homeland Security     2018.1
14 Dec. 2018
17 Jan. 2019
Department of Transportation 2016-1 17 Jan. 2019 20 Mar. 2019
Environmental Protection Agency 13 Jun. 2018 31 Jul. 2018
NASA 11 Jan. 2019 29 Mar. 2019
NSF     2019.1
1 Nov. 2018
14 May. 2019
4 Dec. 2018
14 Jun. 2019
NOTE: Housing & Urban Development has expressed interest, but currently has no SBIR program.

Click here for Currently Open SBIR/STTR Opportunities

Department of Defense   2019-A
Jan. 8, 2019 
May. 26, 2019
Sep. 24, 2019
Feb. 6, 2019
Jun. 20, 2019
Oct. 24, 2019
Department of Energy  
17 Aug. 2018
26 Nov. 2018

15 Oct. 2018
04 Feb. 2019
Department of Health & Human Services
26 Jan. 2018 

Apr. 5, 2018 
Sep. 5, 2018 
Jan.5, 2019 
Homeland Security  Dropped STTR
Dropped STTR
NASA Jan. 11, 2019 Mar. 29, 2019
NSF    -1
Nov. 1, 2018
May 14, 2019
Dec. 4, 2018
June 14, 2019

1)  Dates are estimates and subject to change by the agencies.
2)  Links and contact points to ALL active (currently open) SBIR procurements can be found on the SBIR News Page.
3)  Links to SBIR home pages of all SBIR agencies can be found on the Related Links Page.

SBIR Resource Center - 5 Linda Lane - Severna Park, MD 21146
Phone: 410-315-8101 – Fax: 410-315-9560 – Email: