Small Business Counseling – Make an Appointment - New York SBDC

We are here to help! The New York Small Business Development Center (NYSBDC) provides small business owners and entrepreneurs in New York with the highest quality, confidential business consulting, training, and business research at no cost to you. We work with real people and real businesses. Our assistance helps people like you achieve real success, as it has for more than 30 years.

Please note: The information gathered on this form is kept strictly confidential. Your information is only used by SBDC staff and NOT made public, shared or available to third parties.

Contact information: (Items with * are required)  

Are you Federally
debarred or suspended?
More information on Suspension and Debarment
First Name:*
Last Name: *
Business Name: *

Product or service description:*
Email Address:*
Phone Number:*  
Best Contact Method:
Best time for contact:
Race :*
Self-Described Race:
Are you disabled? :*
Veteran Status :*
Branch of Service:
SBA Client (Past or Present):*
Counseling Type:*
Website Address:
Request for counseling information*
Describe the nature of the counseling you are seeking

Business Information:
Currently in Business? *  

Would you like to tell us more about yourself and/or your business? 
Fill out the optional fields below to better prepare your advisor for your meeting. 

Select the county you wish to receive counseling in (required):

PLEASE NOTE: If you are in New York City, the following counties correspond to the five Boroughs:
Manhattan - New York
Bronx - Bronx
Brooklyn - Kings
Queens - Queens
Staten Island - Richmond


New York State Small Business Development Center Client Disclaimer (Required)

I request management assistance from The New York State Small Business Development Center. I understand that this assistance is free of charge and that I incur no obligation to The New York SBDC or the U.S. Small Business Administration or its counselors for providing this assistance. I agree to cooperate should I be selected to participate in surveys designed to evaluate assistance services. I authorize the New York SBDC to furnish relevant information to the assigned management counselor(s) although I expect that information to be held in strict confidence to the extent allowable by law.

I further understand that any counselor has agreed not to: (1) recommend goods or services from sources in which he/she has an interest and (2) accept fees or commissions developing from this counseling relationship. In consideration of the SBDC, in cooperation with the SBA furnishing management or technical assistance, I waive all claims against The New York State SBDC, SBA, personnel or counselors arising from this assistance.
